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Late 2016 saw the completion of one the major projects associated with the Groote Archipelago township lease, namely the new Umbakumba health clinic.  The clinic was also one of the major projects that governments pledged to fund as part of the agreement with the Warnindilyakwa Traditional Owners for the township lease over Angurugu, Umbakumba and Milyakburra. It is also the final major outstanding infrastructure project of the Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island Regional Partnership Agreement, which secured millions of dollars of investment for the region from Northern Territory and Australian Governments as well as Warnindilyakwa Traditional Owners.

The clinic was paid for by both the Australian and Northern Territory Governments and the Warnindilyakwa Traditional Owners, who committed $3 million of their own royalty payments through Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island Enterprises (GEBIE) Aboriginal Corporation. The construction of the clinic was carried out by a local construction Company, GEBIE Civil and Construction, which provided jobs and training to local people.  The Northern Territory has accepted the building and is in the process of fitting out the facility and training staff to use new equipment.

The clinic will provide a major boost to local health services, with new dental and renal facilities being included in the facility. The design incorporates separate entries and consultation areas appropriate for men and women, as requested by the community. Another positive outcome is that the old clinic site can be rehabilitated and built on, providing further investment opportunities for local enterprises or service delivery organisations.