Every Township Lease allows for a review of the Head Lease by the parties and the Consultative Forum, usually on the fifth anniversary of signing and then at regular intervals. The review process provides an opportunity to make practical and procedural changes to improve the operation of the Head Lease and enable it to operate more efficiently.
Case study
Review of the Groote Eylandt Township Lease
The Head Lease for Angurugu, Umbakumba and Milyakburra is one lease covering three communities on Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The Head Lease was signed on 8 December 2008.
Like other Township Leases, the Head Lease included provisions to establish a Consultative Forum comprised of Traditional Owners. Initially one Consultative Forum was formed comprised of Traditional Owners from all three communities, but over time it became clear that it would be more practical to have a separate Consultative Forum for each of the communities. When the five year review was finalised in June 2015, the Head Lease was amended to put that change into effect while retaining the ability to hold a combined Consultative Forum at any time to consider issues that affect the whole of the Groote Eylandt Archipelago.
Each consultative forum now meets independently and provides advice to the Executive Director on a diverse range of development issues relating specifically to their communities.